
If you’re driving 10 over and still getting passed, that is a clear indication that the speed limit is too low. I’d advocate increasing speed limits, not enforcing artificially low ones.

This really sounds too good to be true. Haven’t BRZ sales been slower than they were hoping for? I’d settle for a factory turbo BRZ, even if it was a 1.6T with 240 hp/torque. Heck, I’d be happy with 220/220. The 150ft/lbs is what kills it for me.

Thanks, I spent about 15 minutes on Google looking for any reference but came up empty. It would be nice to have some context. You think there would have been nation-wide news coverage of that one.

It can’t be worth more than half that. Mega-CP.

I'd really like a reference on that attempt to make it illegal to propose gun safety laws. It's hard to believe that happened.

I wouldn’t get anywhere near this car, but the price is fair.

Why would anybody want this car other than for nostalgia? CP at half the price.

Very nice price. Especially in BC. Used cars are generally far more expensive here than in the US. I would have said NP at double the price.

It’s great that more people will have jobs, but this seems like a mistake. I guess if there aren’t any robots on the market that can handle the work, then they don’t have much of a choice. However, automation has almost always led to lower costs and higher quality. I’m guessing that when better robots come out in the

Is that racist? I guess black people stereotypically like fried chicken (doesn’t everyone?), but cheese burgers and orange soda? This is a bit of a stretch.

Sure they could have dealerships, but why can’t Tesla own them? Why do they have to be owned by a 3rd party?

Also, the concept front end has a bit of a Mercedes look to it.

I still can’t believe that the beak has lasted this long, though it has been less pronounced lately. Even Acura’s own customer surveys have shown that “appearance” is the main reason people won’t buy their cars. Considering they look like everyone else except for the beak it pretty obvious what people don’t like.

I had to do a bit of a double take when he started adjusting the clutch cable tension mid-race. That’s just nuts.

Also, carbon ceramic brakes, titanium exhaust, rear wing, etc.

I’m more surprised that the Camaro is selling well. It’s not a terrible car, but damn is it ugly.

Whoa, that is seriously cheap compared to the ones in my area (Canada). I spent a few months looking for one under $6k and couldn’t find one even in this condition. And we don’t have any emissions laws where I live. There a fair number of RHD JDM models, but they’re still pretty expensive.

This is probably a fair price, but I wouldn’t go anywhere near this. Automatic convertible Firebird... ugh.

I definitely agree that if you will be seen by customers then you should be presentable. And of course safety third!

I really like this car, but the price is too damn high.