
Russia sent in troops and forced them to hold a snap referendum at the point of a gun. That’s not exactly the ideal process of seceding. It was really something straight out of the old Iron Curtain days.

I actually don’t live in the US, but I agree that they spend too much on their military. They also start wars to boost approval ratings (e.g. Iraq). Just because I’m criticizing Russia doesn’t mean that the US doesn’t also deserve the same.

The US defense budget is at it’s lowest level (as a % of total spending) since 1998 and has been decreasing every year since 2010.

The NATO exercises around Russia are in response to their annexing of Crimea and their continued attempt to annex more of the Ukraine.

It looks like an expensive Viper body kit, which I guess it kind of is. Far to expensive for that.

Actually, things are not nearly as dire as I supposed. I just checked this site:

There are two different things to consider here. The first is that every year the people are making steadily less and less money (or at least their buying power is continually decreasing). Politically, it is getting harder and harder to convince the people that the government is doing a good job when a fair portion of

It’s pretty crazy that the Russians keep increasing their military investment when their economy keeps heading further and further into oblivion. I guess it helps to keep people’s minds off of their economic problems (while helping to exacerbate them). And if things keep getting worse, a couple of new wars should keep

I have a Larrivee as well, love that guitar. It sounds awesome. Well it would if I wasn’t terrible at it.

That is a very NP. Assuming the cage is still in good condition and meets the standards for whatever series you want to join, it’s hard to go wrong. Even if the engine is in bad condition, the rest of the car is worth the asking price.

Forcing auto makers to build expensive EVs that nobody is willing to pay for SHOULD make them charge more for their gas vehicles to make up the difference and then sell their electrics at a loss to boost their fleet MPG numbers.

That's ridiculous. Signatures do not prevent fraud in any way.

In my younger days I spent years writing or drawing random things for my credit card signature. I’ve written everything from “this is a stolen credit card” to “penis penis penis” to “fake signature”. On many occasions I’ve spent 15-20 seconds drawing stick men fighting each other. I’ve also drawn a penis shooting onto

Not sure about prices in the US, but currently diesel is about 20% cheaper than gas in Canada.

So much Crack Pipe. Let me count the ways: welded diff (!), no heat, no A/C, awful wheels, paint overspray, far too low. There isn’t even a photo of the engine bay. This would cost thousands of dollars to fix.

I’ve never taken Uber before, but I’ve had many, many cab rides that are over $50. And most of those were under half an hour.

It kinda looks like a hockey skate.

If it wasn’t for the body kit and wheels, it wouldn’t be so bad. Probably still not worth $10k though. I’d say NP at ~$6500.

It’s basically redneck Surrey. Oddly enough, it also consistently ranks near the top for world’s best drinking water.