
Ugh, this is cool and everything, but there are dozens of companies that are working on similar nuclear fusion designs. Many of them are already at the working prototype stage and some are even getting close to generating as much energy are they are using. Lockheed having a new 'design' isn't exactly anything to get

Well maybe not for you, but the vast majority of people won't travel more than 270 miles in one go more than a few times in their life. Long road trips just aren't that common.

To be fair to Tesla, the running costs should be a lot lower than the S-Class (probably an order of magnitude).

If you're spending $100k+ on a car, you can probably afford to have a decent second car. Also the fact that the average person would probably only need to go more than 300 miles in one day maybe once every 5 years or so. For those very rare times (for most people), they could always rent a car.

Reliability is one of the requirements though.

Well, except that the electric cars are mostly for city use and, at least in my city, nice condos generally cost at least $700,000. I have a relative that lives in a $750,000 condo that really wants a Model S, but can't because there is nowhere to charge it.

I've seen some pretty great double D's that were purchased.

Exactly. That is why people didn't really complain much about the old naming scheme. The new scheme is way more random.

They need to bring back cars in the spirit of the 510 and 240sx. I really want them to make a BRZ competitor, preferably slightly bigger and with an optional turbo. So basically a new 240sx.

I'd say that Honda really started to suck around 2001-2002. Acura was still decent for 5 years or so after that (the mid 2000s TL was great).

Actually, that interior looks pretty good for 10 years ago. Entry level quality has dramatically improved other the last 10 years.

But the predator grille is still so ugly.


Yeah, but that isn't what the numbers actually mean.

I think they should call it the P33 D as in the Telsa Model SP33D.

Just talked to a few friends that went this year. It sounds awesome. They described it as a Mad-Max version of a Ren Faire but with heavy metal and drinking. Also tons of home made armor and fighting in thunderdome. My friends brought their own dome, armor and weapons.

Talk about a solution looking for a problem. The only upside I can see is that you can get a better signal because of the better antenna. And for the price of having another monthly data charge? Not even close to worth it.

The PFR was last weekend?!?!?! Damn it, I totally spaced on that. I've been looking forward to it for months.

If this guy can come up with a solution that doesn't slow traffic down then I'm all ears. Otherwise, no. Most normal cities speeds are already too slow.