I personally think that caring for the dead (the actual corpse) is a waste of time. I've always told my family that if I die, just donate my corpse to science / organ donation. Someone else might as well get something out of it as I won't be needing it any more. If science doesn't want it then they can sell it to…
From what I've read of the case, I agree with the guilty verdict. She'll probably get a year in jail at most. Judges here seem to be surprisingly good at taking all circumstances into consideration when sentencing. People always scream about needing to be 'tough on crime', but in reality it is rarely justified and…
The whole idea is to avoid startling the bear. If you are being quiet then it is possible for you to inadvertently 'sneak up' on the bear. If you are making a lot of noise then it will hear you coming a long ways off and avoid you.
Those are all amazing, including the Land Cruiser (though I'll still take a Defender over that).
So basically a couple of Senators are talking under the table payouts to try to sell it off. OK then.
That is true for teams working together, but during a competitive event this just isn't so, especially during the last stretch where everyone wants to be in the break-away group placing ahead of the peloton. I'm not a competitive cyclist, but have done plenty of friendly group rides that are as you describe.
It's not really much of a record when no one else is allowed to compete.
Well harmless to the bear anyway. That's why I added quotes.
As a fellow software guy, "casual overtime" (or similar phrase) is mentioned in almost all interviews. It's par for the course being in the industry. I'd just say "of course, working a few extra hours every few weeks is normal in this industry". This gives them the opportunity to mention if they expect more than…
Dealerships, at least in their current form/ubiquity, are a waste of space and money. Instead of having 10 different Ford dealerships in one town there should be one or two. They would have cars of various models, trim levels, etc to show off their wares and handle test drives. Then the customer would fill out a…
Yeah, I hike in bear populated areas pretty frequently and have seen many of them. Never had a problem. Just make sure to never hike quietly. I usually hang a metal mug off my pack and put a few small rocks in it.
Bears are actually really playful though so it might kill you just trying to have some 'harmless' fun.
If this somehow actually happens then F1 will have unquestionably jumped the shark.
Don't say that too loud or they might get ideas. That actually sounds more reasonable than dragging a metal plate around to create sparks.
Well if it's the DMV policy to make everyone remove make-up before photos, then I don't see the big deal. Now if they are only asking him to do so and not other people, then that is BS.