
Laugh only after you yourself have walked the mean streets of Stoughton, Wisconsin. 

I’m just not sure that there are enough armed cops at that obviously volatile event.

I’ll be damned if I came all the way to Africa to be attacker by a white man.

Put it in a giant bag of rice when you’re done with the soak and it should be a-okay!

Rashad thank you so very much for this article and I look forward to watching the BET series tonight.

So, a Trump loving guy just happens to kill a mafia crime boss while Trump has allegedly been nefariously involved with the mafia doing shady deals with them for decades all while the Mueller investigation is digging into Trump Organization business dealings.

My brain wen to a worse place. I thought maybe they were tracking periods because they wanted to find out out when they were least fertile, and thus, less likely to get pregnant if officials raped them. I hate that I even had that thought.

White of course he was taken alive. He’s got the complexion for the protection.

That jumped out at me too.

“Bloody foreigners, coming to our country, taking our jobs, imposing their way of life on us. I won’t stand for it!”

A lot.

Dear Sirs,

Why are we even giving money to Puerto Rico? It’s not even part of the United States.

Sincerely yours,
Uncle Milty
Trump University Grad, Class of 2000

Seriously, DAFUQ us wrong with people?!?!?!?

I have a constant problem with strange criminals showing up and doing unwanted yard work on my front lawn.  It’s gotten to the point where I’ve had to hire a full time good guy with a rake to keep them away!

I’d boycott the shit out of Hoover Toyota. You know his daughter learned that crap at home.


Long day, huh. I bet you’re gassed.

Quit Stalin around and just accept your damn stars already!

They’re Goering to have a hard time finding anyone else to date, though.

I think these women are saying they did Nazi this coming.