
Is this really the guy? The web has made mistakes before, so...

Canada! Oh, Yeah!

A difficult and obtuse gray haired senior?

Pretty clear and blatant with everything caught on video.

I can feel for these 2 guys.

Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias wherein people of LOW ABILITY suffer from ILLUSORY SUPERIORITY, mistakenly assessing their cognitive ability as greater than it is. The cognitive bias of illusory superiority derives from the metacognitive inability of LOW-ABILITY Persons to recognize their own ineptitude;

So all this is on video? I wanna see how this dumpster fire started.

Yep. Of course. Because everything is terrible.

Very simple. Don’t do that or this or look strange.

Why? Why would you, and then write a song? This is so horrible.

RDJ looked a fool and that was the point. As a comic, he presented the best argument against blackface by taking it to the absurd.

Only solution.

If she said Obama, Fox News would have her out in 10 minutes.

I said it once, and I type it again.

The Crime: Felony Uppity Negro.

A white supremacist? With a head shaped like that???

It is a 3.5 page document. How long to read?

So on the day of the attack, nothing happened. Not even a citation?

Oh, this isn’t about weed.