You'll never guess where I've been!
You'll never guess where I've been!
I find the most erotic part of the woman is the boobie.
That goat doesn't love you
Agent 33 problems but a Ward ain't one
I am very aplexed
I liked the sequel to The Net they relesed a couple years ago, The Net in Space. Can't belive they got Clooney
I wish they would reboot that movie about a bus that had to keep its speed above 50, and if its speed dropped it would explode. I think it was called the bus that couldn't slow down
Something something Madeline Albright
Still not a word
I almost didn't watch the show because I didn't like him. Not that I'm going to run out and watch That's My Boy, but he's good and the show is excellent.
Dante Thunderstone would make a much better host.
Well, the Drew Thompson mystery was the whole season. This is just a side plot. Also, while the whole snitch mystery does provide us with morning guac, tennis pros and death stares, it doesn't give us classic Art lines like Marshal stiffy, thats some bad ass shit and let's go get that whore. Advantage, Drew Thompson.
And Tim could be their handler.
Actually, a Ghost Dad involves some special pills, an overwhelmed starlet and a glass of wine
Think he got too cocky, kid
I'll have the enchilada platter with two tacos and no guacamoles.
I refuse to believe people don't know who Stephen Root is. That is just crazy talk. You're crazy. Stop being crazy.
I feel like there is a Virginia joke here somewhere. Too tired to make it. But damn would it have been funny
If laughter is the best medicine, then these puns will certainly nurse me back to health.