Guy Incognito

Is any fan fic not written feverishly?

Plenty of user names don't match avatars. You have symetry covered. Why do you care?

Deanority Report

I over explained it is the name of Santiagos sex tape. Jake wasn't in the room at the time. Too bad

I beg to differ. The other raptors and I have built a crude suspension bridge to Venezuela, where i will take various odd jobs under the name Mr. Pilkington. But perhaps I've said to much.

I have a hand.

They make me madder than a yak in heat

Pretty sure Tony Kornheiser had a cameo in the not-hooters, sitting at the bar when the CIA agents came into view. Very sure

Legally i cant comment

Given the vaccine heavy news lately, this has a chance to be very awkward. Like 44 percent more awkward than normal

Git r done

Sports Dome was good. But Norm MacDonald's was better.
Oh, Google
Wait, what?

132 comments and no one had made a "choo choo chose you" joke? Cause Choo Choo seems about as sharp as Ralph as well.

He looks like Fat Screech. RIP Michael and Michael Have Issues.

Stephen Root makes everything better. But Jimmy James and Cyril Figgis in the same show? Dear God that's just too much great comedic character acting.

This article is a sham. You should really get your fact straights before you pass on your propaganda to others.

Whatever DICKachoo.

Him rubbing his eyes was perfect. That was Dewey Crowe.

So Vigo the Carolinian?