Guy Incognito

You stole my line. God damnit Marie

Again, Michael Bay made many, many more movies, each worse than the last. Im surprised you didnt know. A simple imdb would have shown…

Actually, Smith directed many other movies and even did a Clerks sequel. And he became very meta smug overtime. A quick imdb search would have provided you with this information. I'm surprised you didn't do that 1st.

Eh no biggie. I was going for making fun of the endless stream of people who think pudding pops jokes are clever. Carry on, random internet commenter

Agent Aw, Hell Naw

Are pudding pop jokes still funny here? Are we up to a million yet? Yes, those two questions are related.

Eh. I'm not an expert. I just assumed.


You can't handle the truth!

Frankly, these jokes could work about Hawley too.

Yes. Yes it is. But is it more offensive than her role now? No. No it's not.

No, Katrina is ruining this show. Give her more usefulness or less clothes. Or both.

Which is the one that's always standing?

Rory Calhoun

Even with Steven Snarkberg behind it?

Snarkight at the Snarksam.
Snarkship Troopers
The last snarkfighter

Wizzle Wuzzle?

Joker - The Joker by Steve Miller Band

Officer no not that Harvey
Officer Hank Dolworth
Officer Mr. B

I guess season 1 ended with a literal bang. Season 2 defenietly had no bang. 3 was a whimper.