Guy Incognito

Fucking Duck

Then i choose not rape. Boom

As long as it doesn't involve lollipop rape

Agent Everybody Hates Chris.

Ahnd go see me in JINGLE ALL DA WAY

With all due respect Marshall, you're wrong about the beards.

Was she saying "I am Lorde, yeah yeah yeah" at the time? If not, no sale.

No. You know. They guy who is always standing on two legs.

Actually, pretty sure Better of Ted took place at HYDRA. Or CHAOS.

Agent OhMyGodIDontBelieveHow ExpensiveRazorsHaveGottenDuringMyImprisonment

Have to have number bacon birthday plate recipes - both made out of genuine love, then with a not-so-underlying layer of resentment.

Shallow male alert II: yes please to whatever Katrina was wearing in the last scene. Didn't even mind the terrible CGI spider crawling on her CGI chest

I thought the flashbacks would have been better done in a prior season. They reminded me of Lost's flash sideways - and i liked the lost finale - in that it was cramming to much into an already crammed final season.

I thought it was a dream cause she looked like Billie or whatever that actress who got blowed up was

Love the spinoff. Too bad Fara gonna be dead soon

Fucking Duck

Can't wait for the Allan Ogg tv series. Or Brian Scalabrine.

Agent I'mSoExcited I'mSoExcited I'mSo*EmmyWorthyCrying* would disagree with you

I didn't like that they threw (c) in there. Telegraphed something bad was going to happen to him.

Agent HowComeHeHasACareerAfterShowgirls ButElizabethBerkleyDoesnt