
Yeah, there’s a reason that this test isn’t really a thing any more.

Another good choice. Wish the chassis more easily fit an EZ30R or EZ36 Subaru Flat 6.

Factory Five Racing Type 65 Coupe

Let’s get serious here, the best track performance for the money is probably an Ultima.

Your suggestions are all fine, but a request like this calls for something a little more...radical.

Ariel Atom!

How the fuck is Android getting hit with fines and not Apple? Android comes pre-installed with Android apps but allows the user to install anything they want, while iPhones come pre-installed with iOS apps and doesn't allow the user to install anything.... 

Why pay a fee when you can just install Firefox and suggest some links?

I got a 6 year loan. But at 0% APR, why wouldn't I?

The point is, based on the math they can afford it.

I don’t know if I buy that. There are tons of good cars from a variety of brands and a variety of price points that will work for most people.

You can, but how many people outside of techheads would? Former CyangenMod user here! *puts up hand

You can install Android without Google Apps. You could not install Windows without IE. Quite a difference.

It actually just sounds a lot like the truth. Too bad it’s so inhuman it sounds inflammatory. 

The solution is to take some car parking spots and make them bike parking spots.

Okay, I’d say is this is a disproportionate amount of outrage.

Blacked out lights.

Please back up this ridiculous statement