
The exchange went thusly: Kate was asked about her fave hue.

I know it's fat-free.

"Oh, look! We're dirty girls! Sooo nasty in our sexy underwear! Spanky, spanky, spanky! Hot, hot, hot! Can we put our clothes on and audition for Portia now?"

This article is very good and it's suggestions are Right On.

"It's a little sad that we can recover at all from the brutal murder of a child, let alone that we can do so by midmorning. "

Can I haz prison crack?

Hey, girl.

Hey, girl.

Nice tits.

Nasty pale guys from America, Europe, and the Antipodes, drunkenly sweating on top of prepubescent girls for the price of a Happy Meal at McDonald's.

Hey, Girl.

I should note, my entire comment above should be said in the voice of Samantha from "Sex and the City".

Yeah, they're great, Whatever.

Jonah! Don't follow Seth Rogen down the "2 delicious shakes and a healthy line of cocaine" diet route.

And yet, that's what will happen.

I wanted to hate the video, but it's so light-hearted and amusing. I will draw the line at pimping it out to my friends.

Yeah. That's not how society works, though. Good thing, too. Or the shameless would remain unpunished.

He had to PAY her?

As long as they stay hot, up for it, and get out of my house when I'm done with them, they can be assholes 'til the cows come home.