Except this doesn’t include the cost of shipping. $500 may look like a deal until you click and see the $29,500 in shipping makes up the difference.
Except this doesn’t include the cost of shipping. $500 may look like a deal until you click and see the $29,500 in shipping makes up the difference.
From one parent of a toddler to another, Jason, any good parent would bring the real kid to the show. And make him stand just like this, sort of like those living statue buskers who stand really still and then scare the hell out of a 12-year-old girl who gets too close. Those are real-life skills.
presumably these are meant to discourage people from violating the tailpipe.
Let’s see if we can save a few bucks. What could go wrong?
Beepi puts a bow on their delivered cars.
No no, go for some sort of inspector’s car (housing, plumbing, electrical, children’s services, etc). They spend less time idling and have nicer interiors. A lot of them ended up using Impalas though, so selection might be limited.
But do I get Prime Delivery?
You aren’t the boss of me.
I would like to say for the record, The 2011 Jetta Sportwagen TDI that I bought for $9k will be sold back to VW for $13k, Because that is the amount they are willing to give me for it. I’d say it was a very smart buy, especially since I bought it right when the shit hit the fan for VW, I am quite pleased to know that…
part of me wants to do the wine rack but figure out how to use the coolant to chill the wine.
Wonder if the only the rear wheels steer like a forklift! Could ask the staff, but the reply will most likely involve a wizard...
Cool stuff. Have a coffee table with F/A-18 tail hooks for legs. Also nightstand made from an EP-3E windshield and main landing gear wheel. Out of the country, or I would take pics.
This is where it gets messy. 501c4 orgs only have to report when they spend money explicitly advocating or/against a candidate. So there is your 50%. Anything else does not have to be reported to the FEC and typically shows up as pretty vague expenses. So if they aren’t explicitly advocating for someone then those…
This is NYC. I vote a dented Crown Vic.
That’s pretty much what Kellyanne said.
As the Jezebel write-up touched upon, trigger warnings and safe spaces have been skewed into near-unrecognizability from both sides, including people in favor of them. While I think both are important, and should be defined properly (as you did) and provided in those correct definitions, there are students who…