Hank Scorpio

I think it would only be appropriate for this to get poorly dubbed into Portuguese for the Brazilian market. Or better yet: dubbed into Dutch and then have that be badly translated into Portuguese subtitles.

It’s only inconsequential up to a point. I know people who bought other cars at the same price point because they felt Telsas didn’t live up in that respect. Tesla does fine right now because there’s no competition. In five years when everyone’s got fast charging and 400 mile EV range, they’ll be in trouble if they

I am a manual elitist asshole, and all automatics are equally bad in my mind. That said, I think a CVT with a powerful engine is kinda fun: the engine redlines at fairly low speed, then just stays there screaming away at 7500 rpm as the car accelerates. I much prefer that over simulated shift points.

The car in the photo I posted is a Cusco built rally car called the “Super D”. It is nearly impossible to find information on it in English, but it’s reliably putting down something like 800hp. As near as I can tell, it’s a twin-turbo EG33 destroked to 2.5L.

Thankfully, neither PG nor MB are in their underwear in this video.

If you’re gonna put a scoop on, you’ve gotta have a reason, and this has an NA motor. Given what an EG33 can do if you boost it, I’m all in favor of changing that.

I have read statements to the effect “I don’t want something with a name” when talking about luxury cars. On this site even (in one of those “what should I buy” columns). Probably because of Ze Germans (and Swedes), many people associate cars that have alphanumeric codes instead of names with class. Which is honestly

I’m not saying it’s not an old man car, but that ain’t no Buick. It’s a cool old man car! It’s what you get when you’ve lost interest in canyon carving and racing, but you still care about style. And 5.8s 0-60 + 14.2 quarter mile is no slouch, especially in an early-2000s luxury car decidedly not designed for the drag


That’s the idea, but I’ve had 87 octane rated cars perform very poorly when using 85 in the mountains. Switching to the mid grade fixed the problem.

I see no shame in your dad driving a V8 powered, FR layout convertible in an unusual color.

CF isn’t particularly strong in the direction you want. The resin would probably crack. That’s if it didn’t burn.

Even weirder: M4+2 two-piston/cylinder engine.

Friend of mine swapped the drivetrain, brakes, and suspension from a bugeye into a 98 Brighton coupe over the winter. Just that is a total monster, and what you’re talking about would have 30% more power!

Show her this.

Yep: Saheed’s the one with the RS. He’s waiting on listing it until it’s closer to being ready, but he mentioned it at the last parts delivery. I was thinking of grabbing it, but I don’t think I’ve got the time or space for it.

Haha! I’m in Knoxville, so seems likely. East Tennessee Subaru Enthusiasts?