Hank Scorpio

I’d probably have bought one if they’d offered AWD and MT.

I had a similar interaction with my mother recently.

This last weekend, I spent 14 hours in an uninsulated garage doing a transmission swap, the first time I’ve ever done any major repair myself. I’m not sure how many times I thought, “Why am I not paying someone else to do this?” but it was a lot.

I feel like it should be that Aussie who had all the warranty problems with his Jeep.

What about when it happens while it’s empty, on its way to a pickup?

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Florida drivers is an easy problem to solve: hire Ethiopians instead.

When cars were first introduced, people lauded them for exactly this reason: there would be less horse shit on the road. 60 years later...

Even when it’s full, the A380 is very expensive to run — about 20% more per seat-mile than a 777-300ER. That’s a big enough difference that you can go from seven to eight flights a week to make up the capacity, save money, and improve your flexibility when demand is low.

That’s not the only measure. An A380 is expensive to run, 20% more than a 777-300ER per seat-mile. That means if (for example) they ran 8 777 flights a week instead of 7 A380s, they’d save money, give passengers more flexibility in travel, and be able to reduce their capacity when they’re not at the heavy travel

The i8 at least is a technology platform: it showed off what a hybrid supercar could be. The Veyron is just more of the same though. There’s nothing novel about producing 1001hp from a quad-turbo 8.0L engine, or about brute-forcing a speed record.

I’ve seen a C5 in flight, but this is another level!

I was on a 787 two years ago, from Houston to Rio. It was fine. From a passenger’s perspective, I could not tell you anything specifically different about it vs any other modern intercontinental jetliner.

or routes that have enormous numbers of passengers and thus require either more trips or larger planes

Every time I learn something new about MN, I’m more convinced I’d be happier if I lived there.

Oregon gets two Gambler 500s?! That’s just not fair.

Some guys did this a few years ago in NYC during a blizzard and the video showed the cops standing on the side of the road watching and laughing. Portsmouth PD is lame. 

Such a heavy, bloated beast it became with that refresh.

Having to pull it from Europe because of emissions taxes might finally get them to update the engine. I don’t know to what since the FA20 would die in their GRC car and the FA24 wouldn’t be allowed, but they’ve got a couple years to figure it out.

My STI hatch is an amazing sleeper, even better than a wingless WRX. Probably because Americans aren’t so familiar with hot hatches. My boss and boss’s boss both expressed some pleasure when I got it, and I’ve definitely used it to pick up visitors. They should do that body again.

Why the passenger seat?