Hank Scorpio

Idiots who see a piece of fancy looking electronics. I know a number of people who’ve had theirs stolen. COBB has been making it more and more tricky to get them to unmarry one, and this is the primary reason.

Good post & summary. Also worth noting that the Tsar Bomba mentioned in the article is one of the closest to “pure” fusion devices ever detonated: something like 97% of the yield came from the fusion stage. Since it was meant to be a display of technical prowess rather than a usable weapon, minimizing radioactive

I think Dipper meant a lawsuit against Kenton: she knowingly did something likely to damage the brand’s standing.

I assume the people at SpaceX dealing with the details of this launch are cleared

1st: Your summary leaves out something critically important: GM’s focus here is on China.

I’d be a little scared of ants proportional to the size of this thing.

The Brits also do other crazy things with arts & entertainment, like fully fund their public broadcasting network.

Mixing spicy and not makes the heat hit harder too!

Keep in mind that he started out saying that he considered something (anything) from KFC to be superior to a Popeyes product.

Great... now I have to get out of my PJs and go get donuts.

On the orbital delivery bit: you think Musk will settle for anything less than a full-on sky crane like the Mars lander used?

Yes, 276. On paper. In reality, even DeMuro’s 25 year old R32 was putting out considerably more at the crank. By the late 90s, the “on paper” number hadn’t changed but there was no way those later cars had the same power as the earlier ones.

You have an NSX and an S2000?! How do you decide which one to drive?

Please tell me you’re going to be a Jalopnik regular from here on out?

“I sent you a car. I sent you a boat. I sent you a helicopter. What else do you want from me?”

Definitely need more perdophiles around here.

Minor league ball is even better for this.

I’m ok with robots doing this job, but Honda doesn’t have a good record on F1 tracks at the moment.

If you liked that, check this out.

Karl Urban was better.