Hank Scorpio

I wouldn’t put the Stinger and the GTI even remotely in the same class. The Stinger is a GT car: it has power so you can get where you’re going quickly and enjoyably, particularly on an uncluttered highway or country road. To me, the GTI has always seemed more like a hatchback sports car: sure you can get where you’re

I have a lot of Canadian friends. “A lot” is an understatement. Good god is it an understatement.

Whataburger starts serving breakfast at midnight? Maybe there’s a reason to move to Texas after all...

Tequila and mezcal are made from the leaves of the agave. There’s a lot of sugar in there, which you can extract by cooking the leaves in water and separating out the fibrous bits.

Out of, or infused with? Closest you can do to “out of” is using it like hops in beer. If you use enough to get a buzz, it tastes awful. THC is soluble in alcohol though, so you can use a (neutral) spirit to extract it and then mix that into a drink. It still doesn’t taste good, but it’s easier to mask.

There’s one more seat still being recounted: it could go 51-49!

Shit... I didn’t even catch that!

You just want to be able to see AC get shot whenever you want. It’s ok... me too.

Sounds good to me. Who plays McClane?

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You’re not wrong. Also, this is amazing.

Yes! I’m trying to figure out if it’s a coincidence or just an obscure enough reference that I didn’t get it?

Just wait for Ocean’s 10. Also: yes.

Yes, but space travel is hard in the first place and interstellar travel is even worse. Also, look at us: we’re pretty well along on the way to self annihilation if we keep going as we are. Statistically, we are probably middle of the pack, so there’s a good chance many intelligent species destroy themselves. That’s

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“Silent and electric” doesn’t exactly scream “steampunk”. Sure, steampunk is sleek and classy, but it’s also loud and clattery and inefficient. Like this.

If the seats aren’t as comfy as my last few Volvo’s then I won’t put up with it.

I’m so glad the machinists I work with are used to dealing with idiots. They love me just because I bring them actual drawings with tolerances and center lines.