Hank Scorpio

Yes! I’m trying to figure out if it’s a coincidence or just an obscure enough reference that I didn’t get it?

Just wait for Ocean’s 10. Also: yes.

Yes, but space travel is hard in the first place and interstellar travel is even worse. Also, look at us: we’re pretty well along on the way to self annihilation if we keep going as we are. Statistically, we are probably middle of the pack, so there’s a good chance many intelligent species destroy themselves. That’s

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“Silent and electric” doesn’t exactly scream “steampunk”. Sure, steampunk is sleek and classy, but it’s also loud and clattery and inefficient. Like this.

If the seats aren’t as comfy as my last few Volvo’s then I won’t put up with it.

I’m so glad the machinists I work with are used to dealing with idiots. They love me just because I bring them actual drawings with tolerances and center lines.

Yeah, I was thinking the same: 0.05mm is only 2 thou. I’m no expert machinist, but I can make a surface that good using common equipment. I guess having to machine any part is uncommon (and expensive) these days, but I’d still expect more.

No los dos?

The thermodynamic efficiency of generating power at a plant and using it to power an electric car is double what it is to directly power an ICE vehicle on petrol. The US now produces a plurality of its power from gas, and that fraction is increasing as coal plants shut down. That gas comes from oil wells (or fracking)

Why so narrow minded? Can’t it be a donkey? Or a cow? Or a dire wolf?

Ford sold about half as many FiSTs, FoSTs, and FoRSs last year as Subaru sold WRXs & STIs. As far as a car company is concerned, that’s the only competition that matters.

TIL Corgis are cow herding dogs. How on God’s green Earth does a Corgi herd cows?

The driver’s home country or the team’s? I’m ok with either, just want to be clear.

it is so fun to read about your fleet of broken shit.