Hank Scorpio

I don’t know what wears out, but the expected lifetime of current home systems is around 20 years.

There’s a maximum practical speed on most roads. The specifics vary and it’s not always right at the speed limit, but it can be. Essentially, if you’re going too fast you run into traffic in a way you can’t pass and get stuck. If you’re going just a little slower, you position yourself better to pass the slower cars

Oh, no! Those poor cars.

Their price is not out of line with other flagship phones. The “Apple tax” over the newest Galaxy flagship device is $50.

Since this phone doesn’t have a home button, I wonder how that feature is implemented? It’s an accessibility thing, so I’m assuming it’s still there. Probably something dead-simple that I’m just overlooking.

When I was in school, I lived in this big apartment building. My balcony overlooked the parking lot. After a night out drinking, my roommate and I had a rule: we’d stand out there until someone returning got scared by the giant raccoon that liked to raid the dumpster. It never took very long.

Because they define “middle class” as being people making $2-300k a year.

Or even just starting tax-free tuition savings years ahead of actually having a kid?

Phoebe already mentioned Furiosa. It and Atomic Blond have something in common: Charlize Theron is 5'10". Also, she’s a badass who decided she’d rather roll in the dirt than use the fancy ‘dirtying’ machine during Mad Max filming, so she probably told the wardrobe people, in no uncertain terms, that she wasn’t wearing

They insulted our intelligence to be sure (what with the whole disconnected reporting on the matter as if they weren’t implicated in the whole fiasco)

With Amy Winehouse busting open a can of whupass on her husband last week

I can swing that in my STI too, but it’s miserable driving that way. If you want good mileage, get a car designed for it.

There are five manuals (even more in auto) near me that have been sitting on the lot for at least six months. I should go look at one...

Pretty sure their long term strategy is to sell the batteries to everyone else.

I was thinking this, but in principle an autonomous car should also be safer and smoother than any human. The people who currently have drivers will just use the extra seat to carry another servant or bodyguard.

RR just uses BMW engines these days, and they’re already working on hybrids.

There’s an easy solution for that one.

If the car drives itself then who will be there to open the door for you? Or put the luggage in the vehicle for you?