Hank Scorpio

850hp & 2900lbs gives it better power/weight than a LaFerrari. Handling would kill it on a track, but it’d be a solid fight in a straight line!

Saying the FD RX-7 has aged well just doesn’t even begin to express it. You could show someone who doesn’t know cars that photo, tell them it’s coming out next year, and they’d believe you.

The Hudson Bay Company (owners of Saks) has a market cap of $2B. Walmart’s is $263B. It’s a completely irrelevant number for these purposes.

Though, our 2008 Honda Fit is way bigger than that 1982 Accord...

It was an unpleasant little car but it meant freedom to a 16-year-old.

A turbo Baja (especially with a manual) is a highly desirable car in Subaru circles. There’s one for sale within a hundred miles of me: 2005 with 104k miles, automatic, $10k.

I was once put in charge of building a parade float, which was going to be pulled by a tractor. The owner of the tractor left it there so we could make sure it was structurally sound, neglecting to check if any of us knew how to operate one. Fortunately, me and one other guy both knew how to drive stick, and we

2001, I was 3 years old

‘83 Accord sedan. This isn’t it, but pretty close (I think this one’s an LX). About 80hp, but only weighed 2000 lbs. The back proudly proclaimed that it had both power steering and a 5-speed manual transmission! It had no A/C, no right side mirror, low compression in one cylinder, and looked like it had been to hell

You leave the raccoons out of this!

Lifelong wino here: can confirm that I am likely to tip a bartender or waiter/waitress more if they make good conversation. Physical attractiveness doesn’t really factor in (at least for me).

When I was car shopping last year, I stopped at a dealer to look at an MS3. After I brought the car back, I asked if they had anything else I should look at while I was there. “The only other fun car with a stick we’ve got is a Viper for about $30k.”

I see these all the time in better shape for about this price. More miles for sure, but they’re street miles.

I take your attitude: your employer shouldn’t care what you’re doing in your private life as long as it doesn’t affect your work, it doesn’t objectively reflect poorly on your employer (eg. having a side gig writing Neo-Nazi screeds), and it’s not criminal. Most employers will take that attitude whether it’s the law

Now playing

eat more than just Cheetos and Goldfish and a handful of cherries.

I’ve been following the auctions coming out of there. Some of the stuff showing up is nuts: brand new C7s, air cooled 911s, exotics from every brand sold in any volume in the US...

These (well, 1-series estates) were everywhere when I was in Bavaria in May. It was amazing.

Don’t forget that 45* ran partly on a platform of being “anti Wall Street”. He was going to be for the people, not those dirty bankers!

I bought them. They couldn’t possibly be as bad as those reviews made them sound, right?