Hank Scorpio

They do have a light truck: the BT-50. Like the B-Series, it’s essentially a rebadged Ranger.

Except for Mazda’s claims, is there any real reason to believe that this car is not in fact propelled by demons?

Being on the ground in a self defense situation is a terrible position to be in, especially if there are multiple assailants.

Keeping it in her purse is worse than useless: it will give her a sense of security (and hence make her less attentive) while also being hard to get at. If (and that’s a big if) she’s going to carry any sort of self defense aid/weapon, it must be something she can get into her hand and positioned correctly instantly.

Sword canes are illegal to carry in most places. They are also usually pretty lousy canes, so they’re more decorative than functional on that front.

How is it that the real model, the one which has to compromise with pesky things like “physics” and “reality”, looks better than the computer model which has none of those concerns?

Agreed. It’s why a Viper will always look better to me than a Ford GT.

How in the world do they expect to sell a car like that in the country that inspired Mencken’s essay The Libido for the Ugly?

Wow. That just looks like a fantastic place to be. Would daily for sure.

I’m sure it would be fine in the rain if you put the right tires on. As far as fuel, F1 race gas is only about 98 octane: you could get that by mixing 93 octane premium with pure ethanol in a 7:3 ratio.

These are the cars with the V10s.

Pirate the old stuff and go see her in concert.

When the Queen dies and William gets invested as Prince of Wales

These missiles were not pointed at their optimum travel trajectories, so their maximum range is unknown.


SCCA has dumb rules about suspension travel for “safety” so autoX might be out without serious modification. I don’t see any reason it couldn’t do drag or a hillclimb though.

Someone’s going to start selling 10mm sockets in 50 packs and make a killing.

The rear sprayer on a hatchback works even better.