Hank Scorpio

I live in TN, but I’m a Northerner transplant. It was a delight to see all these old cars with basically no rust. When I was shopping for a car shortly after moving here, the mechanic doing my PPIs told me not to look further north than us. Apparently the KY/TN border is the dividing line for salt.

You don’t, but you do have to show proof of insurance. Combined with fairly high registration fees, it becomes somewhat prohibitive for a collection this size.

Bit off topic here, but especially since he won’t be able to get a license until he’s at least 18, you should put him in a kart. He’ll love it, and he’ll know how to drive better than most by the time he betrays you by moving to the Carolinas and buying a truck. These guys can help you get started:

He’ll still have potential sponsorship deals, probably for the rest of his life. On the other hand, he’s worth something like $400M, so it’s not like he desperately needs that income!

I saw a similar comment about how Alejandro Villanueva saying he didn’t mean for him standing for the anthem to be taken as a stance against the rest of the team for staying in the locker room clearly meant “someone had gotten to him.”

After that, you deadbeats have to pay

Looks like fun! I’m still hoping you guys will do a Car Talk-type radio/podcast show.

So, if your protesting while you’re supposed to just be standing there pretending to listen to the national anthem, I think it’s within your bosses power to fire you.

if you fire me for exercising my 1st amendment rights, I’m going to sue your ass

Isn’t the world supposed to end today? Can’t be a coincidence.

I think 1999 is the cutoff? I’m not sure.

Ah, the Killdozer! It’s funny: I always wondered what motivated that guy, and never thought to look it up before. Now I know.

There used to be a van around here which had graphic pictures of Jesus being tortured on the cross. Fortunately, it’s gone now. Unfortunately, I never got a picture of it to use in threads like this.

No: they can clearly only report on one thing at a time. Or that’s all her/his attention span is good for anyway.

He appears on this page:

They have fewer kidney issues if you can get ‘em to drink more. They have very efficient kidneys, and in the wild they get enough water from their food. That’s fine when they’re only gonna live 3-4 years anyway, but not so much when they’re living 15+, especially when they’re eating dry food. Get a fountain, leave the