Hank Scorpio

PG introduced him yesterday.

It’s more the rule than the exception: of 44 former presidents, 24 have had one or more naval vessels named after them.

This made me think about how we should really have a 24HOL for boats. That, in turn, reminded me of this (highly entertaining) shitshow.

I don’t know what city you are in or what the bodegas are like where you are

because bodega is NY specific term, white people. Not all corner stores are bodegas dammit!

You have to walk it many, many times to make sure you don’t get lost. When you work the course, it’s easy to tell the people who’ve done that from those who haven’t.

The main thing I can think of is if you want it to live in a waterproof case. I am a paranoiac, and always think about that when I open the door to charge it.

Why don’t you use BT headphones?

Is this not a box set?

Same, but a year earlier. It was a sign that I was feeling better when I watched something new.

Now playing

This car dropped by helicopter from a cable tumbles anyway.

The atmosphere on Saturn is pretty dense. The aero calculations would get more complicated.

Tires work by applying a frictional force to the ground: F=µN. If N=0 (your ‘uncompressed’ condition) then the force applied by the tires is zero.

There’s not so much drifting in it, mostly downhill street races. You probably won’t like it if you don’t care for Japanese cars though: the plot is paper thin and the characters are either 2d or ridiculous (or both).

the V6 Turbo base model is both alive and dead

There were many write-ups about this. Here’s Jalopnik’s:

I’ve never seen anyone actually wear a Submariner as a dive watch. You can get more features in a more robust package for about 1/10 the price if you don’t care about it being a Rolex. Heck, you can get a whole dive computer in a reasonably attractive package on your wrist these days, and it’ll still cost a fraction