Hank Scorpio

For once, it was a delight when NPR interrupted normal programming to go to a GoP press conference. I got to hear Ryan attempt damage control in real time, and it was glorious.

I gather that the way things work in a parliamentary democracy is you can recall the government any time you want. You call for an election, the voters go and pick their new representatives, then the majority coalition chooses a new PM and cabinet.

You could run a CarFax and see if anyone’s got it.

Meanwhile, the CBO has come out saying that insurance markets are stabilizing. It’s not failing, but doing exactly what it was supposed to. It’s just that change is always hard and rarely painless.

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I think it was at the WH Correspondent’s Dinner.

A Brit friend of mine was really surprised when I told him there’s no such thing as a vote of no confidence here.

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Segmented and not great quality, but here it is on the YouTubes.

Unlike the Devil, I’m no teetotaler, but I agree: if you need to be drinking to enjoy your experiences, it sounds like you might be the one who’s living a dull life.

I commute almost 40 minutes each way every day so that I can live stumbling distance from where I like to drink.

Cool. Thanks. I’m gonna have to look into this more.

30 seconds after I asked, I realized SCCA probably did them. The upshot is I live in an area with lots of nice twisty roads running through hills, so there’s more than one near here. The downside is my local chapter only does autoX. I’d have to drive four hours to Charlotte to do the PDX, club trial, and track trial

My employer buys me all kinds of electronics, including a Mac laptop. I assume that’s the sort of thing he means.

I have wanted to do a hill climb for years! What’s the best way to find one that lets amateurs enter?

Saw one from the same year in significantly worse body condition last year. $3200. NP

I dunno. I’ve actually never experienced what you’re talking about. I think most of my car buddies would love a Viper (except maybe the ones who only do rally and offroad stuff). I think there’s some anti-FCA prejudice going on though.

The captain of my hockey team was amazed. “You’re ok with just getting dosed with radiation every day?” If, in a year, I got the dose equivalent of flying from NY to LA twice, that would be a heavy year for me. Him being a grossly overweight is way more of a long term health risk than anything I do here.

Cancer happens when replication and cell death don’t happen properly. Presumably, his healing factor would help with that: it’s constantly rebuilding him and doing it correctly.

I love the Viper, but the problem is marketing. First off, traditionally no one expects an American car to go around corners. A stock C4 (the closest American competitor when the Viper was introduced) certainly can’t go around a twisty track like a 911. Even though a Viper can, it was never emphasized: 0-60 and raw

Oh, man... I’d love to see Nina and RBG at the same event!

Speaking as a dude, I feel like maternity care has far more impact on men than most male-centric healthcare does on women, at least in the short term. Most pregnancies involve a woman’s male partner at some point, including in paying for care.