Hank Scorpio

It’s closer to all of their raw materials. The metal mining industry in the UK is only worth around £5 million, and most of that is gold in N. Ireland (which might leave). They actually have the resources underground, but no mining industry to extract them and they don’t really want to tear up their landscape.

I think you mixed up chefs and lovers for heaven, but whatever.

Why don’t you just buy a Subaru?

If you have another which shows where they did it, I’d love to have it. Not that I don’t believe you: I just want something to point at when it comes up.

My favorite Chinese place never used to be open on xmas. They assumed no one would want to come in. We convinced them to try it a few years ago. Now, all is good.

“You want this giant, dry as hell cracker? Uh... ok.”

Because we don’t get subjected to it by force as small children.

It was originally supposed to be three books. Then four. Then five. Right now, it’s seven. I don’t expect it to stop there, unless GRRM dies before finishing the series.

Also pineapples are gross.

That article seems to be about a controversy over something else.

Okay, but — here’s the thing — does anyone think of themselves, consciously, as being “born white” as opposed to German, Polish, or Italian?

“Whiteness” is a construct designed by a particular group of people in order to exclude particular other groups and deny them their rights. It has been used to mean or to exclude a variety of people of varying skin tones and ethnic backgrounds, depending on what was convenient at the time. “Blackness” is also a social

Don’t worry about STEM classes or anything of that nature.

Because there are no special requirements that you have an ID at all. Drinking and driving are both regulated at the state level, and if you don’t care about doing those you don’t need a state ID/DL. Passports are Federally issued, but if you don’t want to travel internationally and be recognized as a US citizen, you

My workplace, a Federal facility, requires an ID for visitor entry and has the same issue. It’s obnoxious, especially since most people don’t know about it. I’ve taken to making it a standard part of my emails to any US resident visitors before they arrive (foreigners always have passports anyway).