
If you're hard-core fast, you realize brakes only slow you down. I don't have time to slow down.

The best part is not having to drive your car over it to break it in.

I saw the top image and by the time I got to the comments, I ordered the watch on amazon (I'm not manly enough to rock the band). :/ That reminds me, I forgot I also need a Vita and Uncharted. :/ :/

Everything in the universe just happens because of physics. Stars fuse hydrogen, run out of fuel then die. Objects float around in space and smash together. However, life does everything it can to stay alive, adapt and perpetuate. Is there some end goal to all this? Is there some cool party in the end? Does the

After driving a go-kart (nothing hard-core), it made my GTI feel like a fat pig. Mechanical brakes, steering feel so immediate and you feel every bump in the road. I'm always tempted to get a Lotus Elise or Exige afterwards.

This makes sense and it seems that many things like this are about survival and defense. If you have an itch, like when a bug is on your arm, your first reaction is to violently scratch there. Human hearing seems to be most sensitive to the frequency of a baby's crying. We are attracted to the most fit and healthy

One more thing. I found this article saying NHK developed a Super Hi-Vision 120fps 33-megapixel (7680x4320 pixel) sensor that will be ready for the Olympics. I love this stuff.

Why 16:9? To match cinemas and eliminate the need for letterboxing Blu Ray movies, I thought all the new TVs would be 2.35:1 going forward. Then again, maybe this is just for TV broadcasts.

This is my new favorite car. I'll have mine in all matte black please.

I want this enhanced display box! Can't wait until Amazon has it for sale.

I love this. The next step up from this would be to give each console its own display area, an information placard on a stand, the actual console illuminated with subtle spotlights and a monitor with looping video and perhaps narration by either Mike Rowe or Jeremy Clarkson. Oh and velvet ropes to keep back the riff

Penalty for stealing fuel line and keys: death. I remember thinking, wow, this guy really gets payback haha

LOL Full Throttle was one of the first PC games I ever played! The line I remember is, "He did have a fuel leak. And he used my fuel line to fix it. That trucker's gonna die for what he did."

Well, it should be obvious to even the most dim-witted individual who holds an advanced degree in hyperbolic topology that Professor Frink should be on this list. **hoyven maven*

Oh ok. So this wasn't a misunderstanding.

Not sure as it's from a random google image search. I haven't even watched that whole movie, but wow. *drools*

It tastes like...burning

When Hulk is Hulk, Hulk not run out of Hulk.

Hey quit hogging! lol BTW, she also has the best legs in Hollywood.

What you don't see is that the Earth's orbit was slightly changed. That's the downside of infinitely strong shoes and ground.