
When someone passes away and you have to sort their stuff, it truly becomes bittersweet nostalgia.

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Shatner talked at considerable length about this death scene.

Thanks! I'm amazed that even with the slow shutter speed they can keep the car so much in focus too. I can't even take a non blurry picture at a party with people standing still lol

Noob question. How do they take these cool pictures? Are they edited in Photoshop to add blur afterwards while keeping the car in focus?

WTFOMG?? I jsut got teh old model iPnoho5..sadz

But we have earthquakes and plastic people so it balances out!

Totally agree! I'm pretty sure it will improve graphics in ways we haven't even thought about. Ray traced lighting, more emotional character expressions, more dynamic materials libraries and fully destructible environments? Yes, please!

Signed! This way my GF won't say, "What's this stupid light on my car that's been on for 3 months?" Now it will be, "What's a stupid oxygen sensor?" or "What's a misfire?" or "Did I leave the garage open again?"

I'd love to see the next Source game engine. I expect it to be fast, efficient, cutting-edge and look great and all that, but am really looking forward to how they've advanced the emotional expressions on the characters' faces. In Half Life and Left 4 Dead, the characters look right at you and are very non-creepy.

How dare you use a VW dash and MIL! Why my GTI hasn't thrown a code never mind lol. Seriously, I think this is an excellent idea as long it's something where you can press a button to further investigate. That way, people who don't care aren't bothered and people who do can delve deeper without spending

I don't laugh often, but when I do, I prefer Y U No guy.

Gabe says you have two options. Get out, OR...GTFO.

Ok everyone, the line, never mind.

Like, Gordon, we are both with the programme.

At least his Nascar instincts correctly made him try to plow through when Frenchie didn't move over, done so in defence of his and our honour.

Can't wait for the Vita. The last stealth type game I played was Riddick and this looks great. So I guess you don't have to clean up the bodies?

I have the screen turned way down and mine has the Nvidia 9400M which I think is integrated so maybe you're right. I also have Win7 installed via BootCamp but I only get 4 hours there.

I wonder how it will handle all my old software. Will we have to get Metro versions of everything?

OMG I becames orgasm for wanting! Robert go! Lucky best Robert!!

Watching two girls do anything should never feel like this.