
“Favorite video-game character”

I do not get all the nitpicking with this game. The US rarely gets good games like this that are mainly exclusive in Japan or Europe. As a person who is looking forward to watching more AoT, I like this decision for this as a game.

"Hands off my prey!"

For the new system, I would like them to fix some of the issues that fans have been complaining such as virtual console scarcity and supporting larger memory. I am pretty hopeful for what's in store and as an Wii U early adopter, I'm used to having the second screen.

Between this, their plans for smartphone integration and the QOL research on sleep, I think these ideas are a wait and see approach. If there will be an announcement on the new console for next year, I predict a 2017 release or at least Nintendo could extend the lifespan of Wii U a bit more.

This works for me. I know it seems wrong but as an early adopter for the 3DS, I do notice the rate of my streetpasses diminishing lately. Even when I do have streetpasses most of the miis I encounter have very few new puzzle pieces to collect from since it feels like they just bought the system. Thanks Abe.!

Is this more of a review, if so then that could work either way. I will get this eventually, but my backlog prevented me from pre-ordering. But its a good opportunity for me to use some of those Powerup Rewards coupons from Gamestop.

if this exists, then what prevents Team Rocket from dying after being blasted off hundreds of times in addition to hot air balloon/mech explosions and other Pokemon attacks?

Sometimes, society just bugs me ...

Clever way to do the review. Enjoying he game and its music so far.

This is part of why women seem to love assholes; it has nothing to do with "assholes get all the women" and everything to do with the fact that they know how to present themselves and they put themselves out there. They're making a point to flirt, to be engaging and - critically - making a move. That's part of why

The structure for this review feels much better than previous ones. Start with the "yes/no" box, then talk about similar likes and dislike to what other reviewers are thinking.

For most of the modern spin-off Pokemon games, I wish that there was a way to get exclusive items, accessories, etc for the main games with some type of transfer system/ download code. Some spin-offs, except for a few like the Trozei games, were some I wasn't really into and I doubt that Shuffle will be any different.

You'd think that games with high scores would lead to more Wii U sales for in general.

When are we getting DS games over to the Wii U?

But then there's that rubber ball with the star on it.

Found him. Bottom middle and a little bit towards the left.

I too am disappointed, but it was pretty convincing at first. I just though Nintendo would do more with Smash that what they already announced albeit (Mewtwo, Tourey and the Miiverse Stage).

I'm in favor of this. After watching Gamexplain, I'm on board for Rayman. He's also turning 20 this years, which doesn't do much but a nice to remember.

Having to never obtain the original MM, this was a great read. I'm picking up the game (not the handheld) this evening so I'll finally play what I've been missing.