
Are you going to pay me for that explanation? I don’t type for free.

Yeah, I can't for the life of me think why a website focused on science and technology would post stories about a candidate mindlessly attacking science and technology.

How is reporting what they said bashing?

How is it bashing when they’re writing a truthful article about what she believes in. She literally says it on the video. Saying someone who’s a complete idiot, is being an idiot is not bashing.

She’s giving them free ammo with her insane commentary.

Yeah! I mean, how weird is it that a science and tech blog would point out where a candidate for President is a complete idiot on topics of tech and science?

Gary Johnson said he’d give me a piggyback ride if I published this

If it was indeed “almost identical,” your reaction sure seems a touch hypersensitive.

I see it like being on a jury. You may have a bias of some kind, but if you can put it aside and render a verdict based solely on the facts of the case, you’re good.

If Trump had declared as a Democrat and won the nomination, I have a feeling a lot of the “perfect world” people would wonder why the DNC didn’t do more to stop him.

This is where I am with the whole thing as well.

Voted for Bernie in the primary and will be eagerly voting for Hillary in November.

People who run political party are biased toward a candidate with a long history in their party, rather than someone who wasn’t in the party until he announced he was running for president?

You approve the leaks of credit can and social security numbers of regular people that did nothing wrong??

Would you like to cite any sources on those corruption claims?

I mean, even the leaked emails fro the DNC barely shed any insight at all. The “worst” emails show a very slight personal preference or distasteful sentiment from a few players. With such a giant dump of files, nothing showed anything that led to actual bias or improper action on the part of the DNC. It’s basically


My favorite definition of “progressive” is “agrees with me on all issues that I consider important to being a progressive”.

Ask Ted Cruz if you could use his bulk discount rate.

Being a progressive means you hate Hillary? That’s news to me. I thought being progressive means fighting for progressive issues, not creating a purity test of which of those issues are necessary to be considered progressive.

Those people?