
Is it okay to be okay with this? I honestly don’t have any problem with people using a bunch of nonsense, pretentious jargon to sell candy to people who are too fucking good for a fucking Hershey’s bar.

These guys are doing the same thing breweries, wineries, distillaries, and a bunch of other “makers” who are selling

Armor is prefectly fine. By his repeated use of “mental” I’m guessing he spells armor with a U (armour) which is fine.

I am genuinely confused by your comment.
1. “armor”, like color/colour, is an acceptable alternative spelling of “armour”. Neither is wrong.
2. Are you suggesting that this protective gear doesn’t exist? Or that the dog wasn’t wearing it?
Because here is a picture of the same fucking dog from the video wearing the

Is this really a problem? Yes, based on the video that IS confusing, but that clip is missing the announcers, and given the plethora of other cues and info, visual and audible, offered on a TV broadcast, I don’t see how this isn’t still easier than listening to a radio broadcast. Sure, the play by play on a radio

Good work not resorting to shouting, but I couldn’t help but feel it was a complete waste of time. Dr. Drew, for his part, tried to maintain control, but the other people speaking/shouting had no interesting in discussing the topic, only shouting out empty ideas that would get the crowd to clap.

I couldn’t get through

You seem to have a well thought out idea full of simple to achieve goals. Nothing about your keyboard mashing sounds unreasonable, irrational, or childishly unrealistic.

If you’ll excuse me, I need to go back to my job as an astronaut firefighter on the Moon.

Nope. This is the thing I’m most excited about as well.

Well. Almost.

Fun fact: It’s always every mammal except for bats season in New Zealand. All mammals, but bats, are no native and hunting of nonnatives is permitted year round.

I can’t find it anywhere. I love the Ruby Redbird, though.

Honestly, I like just about everything Shiner makes. They all tend to have a recognizable Shiner taste, which luckily I like.

This person does not get invited to parties.

Delete your account.

Weird late comment and question. How do you like your Ridgeline? I'm looking to trade the old sedan for a truck, and while I don't hate them at all, I get the impression that it may not be all that functional — I'm not going to Moab, but I am going places where I managed to get our 4x4 Xterra stuck. Used they tend to

ignore this. — I replied to the wrong person.

This this this this this.

I have two rifles that are my primary hunting rifles. I have been thrilled with both and neither broke the bank.

Are people actually advocating we stick with it being dark at 5-fucking-30 in the afternoon, or simply suggesting we stop changing the time? Because I work 9-5, im stuck in a beige cubicle all day and I love having an extra hour-ish of daylight after work.

If the suggestion is that we keep the time so that it is

It's fine. We'll have these available in about an hour.

Based on a risk benefit analysis and statistically speaking, the answer is "yes," they are.

The more complex answer is "nothing is 100% safe."

Can there be some infinitesimally small number of cases where an adverse reaction occurs? Yes.
Should a statistically unlikely risk stop you from getting and keeping up to date