
F & G

This isn't getting nearly enough love.

I wouldn't worry about it. The athletes are likely to be kidnapped WAY before they are ever exposed to that cesspool.

This right here. This is a fine fine joke. A fine joke indeed.

Who doesn't enjoy the occasional e.Coli diet and workout plan?

I'm not going to continue this if you're going to move the goal posts.

1. You don't believe the finds because if conflicts with your personal experience.
2. You don't trust the study (studies) because you don't know who funded it (them)*
3. One study doesn't prove anything (note: it's more than one study)
4. etc etc

The term "case closed" is not a term used in the study, it's being used in an editorial, explaining the findings. The strong wording is clearly intended to make clear the opinion of the author — an opinion informed by the preponderance of data. While nothing is "absolute" when it comes to science, you can reach a

What was written by Dvorsky was a high level explanation. Through out the article, and at the bottom of the article there are 3 links to various sources, one being

The comment you replied to was not a comment on the article itself but to a commenter's comment on the article. Commentception!

I'm not sure that we do agree. My comment to Gemmabeta was a joke. I'm on Gemmabeta's side.

No matter how much we believe in something, it wont make it true. Your example of mind over matter is a prime example of terrible logic and leads people to spend untold amounts of money on worthless interventions because they

What science is vague?

People find "relief" (an awfully subjective term) from all sorts of useless interventions.

For example: It wouldn't take any amount of effort to find people who swear by homeopathy, but as everyone knows, and the science verifies, homeopathy is simply water and provides absolutely no benefit other than hydration. Now,

"near pristine gut flora"

That is not a thing.

Get out of here with your science! I want to defend something because hearing information that is contrary to what I believe makes me angry and argumentative.

"But given our nutrient-deprived diets, should we really stop taking these pills altogether?"


Cabinet, chair, table and desk
Fucking magnets, how do they work?


Or. More likely: You do not understand chemistry and do not understand where virtually every pharmaceutical product on the market comes from.



I'll take the Tacoma's Pug-like front end over this any day.