
I like what you've done here.

that should say that "human life is [less than] stuff.

Well put.

I don't know where the rest of this post went...

Well, there's the problem.

I also think the riots would be better with guns. I think it's great that people are finally talking about the lack of firearms in the hands of rioters and looters.

I like what you've done here.

I can access basic text on a website too. It just doesn't make sense. If you want to include it as an option, sure, go for it.

The PDF menu is one of the absolute worst things about almost any restaurant's website.

Yes. I can't believe that those women, who are apparently slaves, are being FORCED by perverted men to put a clever advertisements on their asses. Clearly they do not want people looking at their asses — that is why they wear those tiny bottoms! You see, they oil up their asses, so that the sun reflection instantly

I like what you've done here.

Some would say that the Earth is our moon.

Go away. You're awful.

I, for one, feel safer.

I think Unidentified object is sufficient, ya know... since it isn't flying, nor do we know if it was ever a thing that could fly.


The parents should have gone the extra mile and had a couple of neighborhood kids over to recreate the image on the box.

Not to mention they would be running the rick of providing a few minutes of enjoyment for the kids involved in the shoot.

I prefer that my burgers end up smashed, because I can't unhinge my jaw.