
@BoscoH: This joke makes so little sense that it actually makes me mad.

@Phintastic: I asked him about gold pants on twitter. He still has not gotten back to me.

@The_Night_Man_Cometh: They changed the Amero to the Soros? Damn it! I simply can not keep up with this dang New World Order!

@Dreamwriter: Nope. I have finger prints all over my iPhone screen, unless I've just wiped it off. When would I have ONLY the four finger prints?

@wanderingrabbi: No. I understand what trash is, and I understand what the future is — I mean, I don't understand how that is a valid argument against gift cards.

Is it for a store you like and for a dollar amount that is practical?

In before the conspiracy theorists.

Ugh. See my reply. I can't seem to internet too good.

@Kung-Fu Kurtis Carnivale of Carnage: I'm glad I'm not the only one. It seems like such a simple thing to do that I thought there was something obvious I was missing. Especially considering how unhelpful the error message is.

I would like to change my password, but, when I try, I get a message that says my password save failed.

@Howard_the_J: You've made two posts. You're not really a part of it anyway. Luckily those nefarious folks that got your data didn't post anything making you look foolish...

Roofies make people pass out/forget things —- making it easy for someone to rape them; it doesn't get them hot and horny.

Me: Just sent over an updated invoice to reflect the Q4 discount pricing.

@Ben Zvan: I would really like to see if they could try and botch that link a little more.

@ldouglas956: The thing is, I didn't size the picture. The source picture looked fine. Sort of small, but fun. The comment system chose to stretch it out like that.

My favorite. Ummmmm cool picture. wtf?