
@Merricat: That is the first thing I thought when I read this.

@LuciferV8: Not enough information about how to stop the reptilian shape shifters. Don't care.

@cycle-ops: I think the people who are scared that at any moment a menacing terrorist could pop up and crash a plane into them should probably suck it up.

@buttnugget: Agreed. Those scans look like shit. I don't save shitty pictures of myself, no reason for THE MAN™ to do it.

I'm sure the airline industry is thrilled to hear that sort of positioning.


@Papsky: Just because some person, place, or thing constantly does something, doesn't make it any less stupid and or annoying.

@Canoehead: Honestly. Are there actually fans of The Beatles who, for some reason, didn't already own the music? Alternatively, are there fans that owned any/all of their music on CD, and owned an iPod, but didn't know they could magically transfer those songs from the CD, to the computer and then to the iPod?

The following statement may come across to some as "trolling" but I assure you it is not.

"and while I'm not too wild on the big Apple logo (how did Apple let them get away with that?) "

It failed, but I didn't oversleep thanks to the early morning yodeling of a Basenji name Douglas that wanted to go outside.

In the oval office. Robert F Kennedy wearing chinos cuffed short, his brothers bomber jacket swinging open showing off his ripped abs, punching LBS with a heavy right. LBJ bald and, eyes rolling back from the knock out punch, gut busting open his button up shirt, his blue tie standing almost straight up from the jerk

Slow down a girls in bikinis chase scene from Benny Hill and put that music to it — it would be just as eerie.

@jetRink: When you were standing over there and looking in another direction, a joke happened.

What a great article about copyright on the web. I'm going to reprint it in my newsletter!

@dixlexxik: I wish someone would come out with an update to customize, or whatever it was called. You could customize just about every element, instead of using a whole theme.

@siwex80: Srsly? Go somewhere.

@MyNameIsTooAwesome: Yeah, I keep saying the same thing about the Internets, but they refuse to turn it off. -_-