
Well, lets hope ISIS agents are on board to keep us safe.

@Grive: Ignorance is bliss.

@nramos332: "And while my iPhone 4's reception does drop sometimes, it still runs great. I don't care if I miss a call that's why I have voicemail and email"

There is no issue. There is no issue. The issue that doesn't exist is a result of you holding your phone wrong. The best way to fix the issue that doesn't exist is to hold it differently, or please pay Apple $30 for a piece of pastel rubber. Otherwise you'll have to deal with the issue that doesn't even exist; so why

@JakeMertz: I haven't used it, but a coworker has it and I don't think they are all that nice at all.

Just so I'm clear... The solutions Apple is offering to the problem that doesn't exist is as follows:

@circa86: Trolling or intellectually dishonest? I can't tell.

@RainyDayInterns: Since this story is about the back of the phone breaking and asking why in the entire fucking world would the back of it be made of glass.

@Ryan Holloway: You're going to stop reading Gizmodo because they said something bad about Apple?

@4sparta: Mine are never connected with the cable. I either use AAs or charge it with the 3rd party charger.

I'll stick with my non-TRON wireless controller.

@bienboy2710: Who are you thanking? You're the one who decided to jailbreak it. This is an at your own risk deal. If you're not aware of that, you're obviously new and probably just didn't follow the instructions properly. Restore and try again, but stop blaming other people for the risks you take.

Dear dev team. Provide a killswitch for this.

@CrispyAardvark: Same boat. I want it but I'll make due with my 3G until I can just pick one up.

I like it.

Has anyone left a comment saying something like "just don't drop your phone" or "the only people that crack their screens are irresponsible children and deserve it" yet? If so be sure to stop by that post and call that guy an asshole. For extra points, request that he get off your internets.

@Red_Flag: Since backgrounder is a little buggy, I really only use the customization options. Which would be totally worth it to me.