
I don't understand why you would want to use any of those clunky, slow, recoil heavy weapons, from the 40's, in a modern combat game. What would possibly be the advantage?

Sounds to me like Xbox Live is run by and catering to easily offended cry babies. "Frak"?!? Really? What about "balderdash"? Or "Darn-tootin"? Or "dang", for that matter?

@GlenTen: He thought he was vetoing funding for volcano monitoring and evolution.

1) Why would she audition for the sequel?

The production value here is incredible.

@StocDred: Hey! Give him a break, he just made up that justification on the spot and gave no consideration to the 987456 paragraphs of legal gibberish in the EULA.

@Voyou_Charmant: So many errors. wtf... I should stop trying to post anything more than one liners when I'm at work.

@Omelet: The "nature" of my comments? Instead of taking issue with arbitrary internet awards like stars next to names, which happens to be my most prized internet possession, why not explain what is so bad about the comment?

Someone dial whine-one-one and have the rush over the wahmbulance!

What outrage? Who was outraged? The only place I even heard about this game was here. Such nonsense.

@Matt Southern: The guy made his career working out and oiling up so that he could roll around and slap other oiled up half naked men in front of thousands of white trash retards, half of which — to this day — think it's real.

I really want a carputer, but this will, almost certainly, be absurdly overpriced.