
Yeah, I remember, after getting a new kitten, being asked if he was like my much loved first cat, who had died a few weeks before. I replied, “Not a bit, and I like it that way.” I would have liked it if new kitten was like my first cat too, but there’s something cool about knowing you can love whoever comes your way.

I'd much rather adopt a new dog and give it a home than to spend a shit ton of money to clone my previous dog. We already have too many unwanted animals, so I'm not a fan of this. I also feel the same way about orphaned children.

Kids and puppies! The happiest of christmas things!

This is wonderful on several levels.

I used to hate getting undressed as a child because I was afraid that angels were watching. If elf on a shelf had been a thing back then, I probably would have burned it and buried the ashes in the woods.

These guys are plenty “country”.

Or when we’re going to stop these killers from entering the country.

Still waiting on the news to discuss when and how he was radicalized...

Cop is all like-

Your sister is basically a superhero to me, I was once a sick kid in a very famous children’s hospital, and the nurses were all so freaking amazing, after my procedure, my main nurse went and bought me a wee stuffed polar bear, that I still have to this day.

And with that, Pratt and Anna Faris are off my list of favorite celebrity couples.

Yeah, Gwen’s gone full Blake. I bet when she was with Gavin it was all Bangers and Mash and Figgy puddings.

The quality has suffered, we lost Coach (again), and Jess is absent this season. But Nick, Schmidt, and Winston are still enough to get me to tune in instead of spending my time puzzzzz-a-ling.

Who wouldn’t like Game Change? It was so good.

Is Kevin Brown, the actor who plays Dot Com, okay?

Not to mention even if you get the tickets you are now going to see the artist in a massive venue with thousands of others and the speakers will be too loud so you can’t really appreciate it anyway. I don’t blame the Beatles for stopping touring; they were right.

10 million fans in queue for our total approximate allotment of just over 400,000 tickets

Dang. Tough crowd.

I was ready to click “Off” when the cast appeared on stage for the traditional signoff, and almost cried when they all joined Bruce to sing Santa Claus Is Coming To Town. Clarence Clemons nephew on sax, Little Stephen, and Vanessa Bayer’s O face at just being there - truly great.