
I never know what to do with these kinds of cases. I am a survivor of rape, and deeply believe in showing support and compassion to victims, but at the same time I am deeply uncomfortable with the idea that a person’s personal and professional life can and should be ruined based on two tweets, with absolutely no

I can’t believe this isn’t at the tippy-top of everything BEST NEWS EVER!!

It would be really easy to mock this but I actually think it’s really nice for those kids. Sure the parents are ridiculous celebrities so it’s easy to forget that the children are real children, but they are, and I’m glad their parents are being supportive and loving through their break up.

An unwanted fetus is more super precious than actual lives of children and adults, don’t ya know? I mean, this man is a hero! One of the women who were there that day might have wanted to get an ABORTION. But now this “protesting messenger” killed three people, injured 9 (?) and left several children without parents.

This is so unbelievably sad. And it is nobody's fucking business why these two women were there.

Yet the commenters on Fox News FB page still claim this was a robbery at Chase Bank. SMH

Don't forget the white Christian police officer too. Hope Huckabee is properly stretching before the mental gymnastics begin.

An Iraq war veteran shot at Planned Parenthood? I can’t wait for Huckabee’s incoherent tweets about this.

These victims have names and faces now. You can't just dismiss them as a number anymore Carly. Look at them, their blood is on your hands because of your lies.

This makes me so sad and so fucking angry. Peace to their families. I’d wish for justice too but I’m not that naive.

I’d like every single piece of shit who claimed this guy was “saving babies” to look into the eyes of these people’s children and tell them their parents died for a good cause.

If she understood simple math, she wouldn’t have ruined HP.

Agreed. Same messed up logic could apply to teaching creationism versus evolution in schools. Also, if the lawsuit won, it could be used as a way to force any parental will on the school.

Based on your logic, we should just quit teaching any social sciences in schools. Too politically dicey.

Maybe you should learn to analyze before continuing to comment. The letter went out on the 19th, a Thursday. The event was to take place on the following Monday. That gives parents that Friday to opt out, or to take time to consider over the weekend and then opt out on that Monday. The letter makes it seem like

And a messenger.

From Carly Fiorina’s Facebook page:

Can we start styling CMP “the so-called Center for Medical Progress”? Otherwise it sounds like they're some sort of legit medical organization.


“The vast majority of Americans agree what Planned Parenthood is doing is wrong.”