Yeah... at a bare minimum, I think “I was feeling really lonely and isolated, so I started doing something pretty extreme to change my body shape!” probably warrants a follow-up question or two.
Yeah... at a bare minimum, I think “I was feeling really lonely and isolated, so I started doing something pretty extreme to change my body shape!” probably warrants a follow-up question or two.
Yep. I hadn’t heard of it. And now that I know the premise I am intrigued. The ads seem in bad taste, buuuutttt.... I’m probably gonna give the pilot a go sometime this week.
It’s so true. My mother said, ‘that’s why a lot of people want a businessman, not a politician. They’ll know how to turn the economy around’. ???
Probably insomuch as TROY is yours and randilynbeginagain is mine. oh...
“I’m not here to talk about benevolent politicians that are gonna come and save the day for you,” said Killer Mike.
This is how it's done. And Ralph? STFU - you are no longer relevant. YOUR former bid for attention put us smack dab IN this mess.
Article about news story about a viral marketing advertisement.
Agreed, Adele seems super chill.
Nazi and Imperial Japanese insignia are ok. Period panty ads were way too much tho. God bless our country.
The five year old I nanny had to write a sentence about Mail boxes as part of an assignment.
She was really trying to name the kid Samantha...
It’s sad that Rubio, who seems to oppose abortion in nearly all cases (e.g. rape and incest even), is considered a “moderate” these days. I kinda miss McCain.
Ah but middle aged white men think they live in a world where they need to fear things (making wild generalizations). Because of Trump & Fox news, middle aged white men feel the need to fear, immigrants, people not white like them, people with different accents, the Feds, the younger workforce, the older…
He’s making it ok to be a gun toting racist and that is what is so fucking terrifying about his popularity and the near constant media coverage
In the sense that he’s contributed mightily to the air of fear everyone but white men have to live in, I’d say he’s already won. Real Mission Accomplished™ situation.
Of course he isn’t going to win. The most troubling thing about Donald Trump isn’t that people like him exist, or that he chose to run for President. The most troubling thing about this is that no one in the “sane” and “responsible” section of the Republican party is willing to stand up to him. It is troubling when…
What’s the alternative...Cruz, Carson? They all terrify me now.
Naw, Bernie knows how the political game works. He's been playing it his whole life. He's been careful not to go too harsh on Hilary, for example, because he doesn't want to do permanent damage to her campaign. His supporters want him to be a Nader, and are now talking about write in campaigns, but Bernie the man…
And no wonder, with a face like that. She IS adorable. She looks like some kind of woodland creature you could hold in your hand and pet.