
I don’t know about you guys but it’s been a long week full of anger, sadness and feelings of futility for me so before I crawl into bed with a Ken Burns doc I thought I’d share some random cheer...

The trolls are very weak all over Gawker today - maybe because current events are giving them the opportunity to troll in real life?

I love fuck-it list Obama. What’s he got to lose? Rage on!

But I thought he was one of those good guys with a gun? What happened?

Or Ted.

Starred for brutal, brutal honesty

Have we given TN enough time in the anchor seat to agree, as a nation, that he’s not a good fit for the show?

That picture! All I can think now is ‘no, juice is better’...

Fox just loves ruining shit people love.

Really Ted? You’ve never met a conservative who wants to ban contraception? Who’s that guy on the far right, posing in a picture with you?

So much shade here...I thought women developing and producing their own stuff was something we were supposed to be rooting for? Or is it just the ones we decide we like this week?

I love Cher’s love of emojis so much! It reminds me of how I used to put stickers all over my homework cause I thought it would make the teacher happy and therefore give me a better grade.

My dad’s auto body shop was covered in those! Until I was about 10 I thought all women grew up to have feathered hair and satin jumpsuits unzipped to the navel.

I’m glad I’m not the only person to wonder about that!

The whole prime time line up is very liberal - Chris Matthews, Chris Hayes, Lawrence O’Donnell and Maddow. I used to watch Morning Joe before work but stopped when they interviewed the Kochs and it turned into a week long love fest. Still dvr Maddow and watch it as background while I do other stuff.

Someone please get Ben Carson tested for narcolepsy - I have it and know the signs. It would explain so very, very much.

According to Carly’s logic he’s just a protester with a message, right?

What kind of “great relationship” could Trump possibly have with any group of pastors let alone black pastors? Just because you know a group of people exist doesn’t mean you have a relationship with them.

Saving babies my ass! These victims were all someone’s baby. A reminder that all lives are precious... until they’re born.