
If anyone wants to be thoroughly disgusted stop over at Breitbart and check out their comments about this - I don’t know why I subject myself to that crap but I do...

Can’t wait for the lactose intolerant yahoos to start waging their war on dear, sweet baby Cheesus.

I love that smile at the end of the clip, it looks like he just remembered the punchline to a veryndirty joke.

It totally is - they (some not all, some are just in it for the good ol’ racism) think that if they support this wealthy man and get him to take over how the country is run (which in itself is ludicrous because one man can’t change it all) they too will become wealthy. To some he is the American dream, for the rest of

While distasteful, it’s friggin’ brilliant advertising. How else do you get people to talk about an Amazon original television series starring no one of note? Offend some people and the name of the show will be repeated over and over on blogs, FB, Twitter, etc.

To be honest I’m impressed Bristol could spell Sailor correctly.

I can’t wait to hear the speech he gives when he gets out of the race or loses: ‘This country is full of losers who don’t deserve my amazing brain or leadership skills....’

“Why are people attracted to Doug Wilson?”

I’m hoping she was thinking more along the lines of: are they more than just unapologetic killers? We know nothing of who they are except for what they hate. What do they love?

I just had to click on that link... Thank you for reminding me why I try to shield myself from all things Coulter. I’m fairly certain she’s running a long Andy Kaufman type con on the American pundit system.

This warms my heart. I thought the only people getting Berned up were young-ish hipster types but a farmer in his 60’s? The message reaches further than I could imagine.

Happy Monday morning y’all...

I was thinking the same thing - this one made sense. What’s happening?

I kinda get Zooey Deschanel’s reasoning for her daughter’s name - those dudes are adorable as shit!

Hands down my favorite Hemingway book. Absolutely beautiful

I’ve never understood why socialism is such a dirty word in some circles

Cher is a fucking national treasure

Wouldn’t this require more government involvement in our daily lives? More taxes to pay the salaries of these people Trump “manages”?

I had not considered the Gisele factor... Feeling much better!

Just got home from the longest, crappiest day at work to see this... It’s just not my day. I also had a man tell me I was ‘looking pretty good even though I look like a dude’ which is a super self-esteem booster for any woman.