
You’re right, it does get a lot less boring and one day you’ll wake up and it won’t be the first thing on your mind and that in itself is mind blowing

Matt McGorry’s feminism is starting to feel a tad contrived. We get it, really we do.

So this is politics in America now? Bragging, name dropping and no talk of any kind of policy? Good to know

Way to be inclusive Carly - no room for more than two minorities under your big tent that supposedly covers the majority of the nation?

A Jewish Socialist understands Christian values on a deeper level than 98% of evangelicals. Feel the Bern!

They were the biggest, most amazing, most informative workshops ever to be workshopped and anyone who says otherwise is a loser.

People tend to not want to get involved, which is a sad commentary on us as a species. How many people do you think saw her, said nothing, but then remarked to someone else about ‘the crazy woman’ they saw at the park?

Based on the definition of a hate group, it’s safe to say that most regular commentators on Fox should receive that label - Tony Perkins and his precious Family Research Council anyone?

And some would have you believe that there’s nothing wrong with America’s gun culture...