Oh, Caitlin. Always making herself the poster child for “Equality, but just for me!”
Caitlyn Jenner has spoken out against trans women’s participation in sports, but participated herself in a women’s golf tournament and supported a trans woman’s bid to join the LPGA. She is not a serious person in any way, shape, or form. Agreed that DeSantis deserves all the heat but Jenner is not the one to bring it.
“Lying right-wing lawmaker continues lying when confronted by original lies. Film at 11.”
Anal is fine. God only cares about your hymen.
Premarital sex is good now? Ok
Someone clearly destroyed one of his horcruxes.
You mean to tell me that a candidate running in the “fiscal responsibility” party isn’t actually fiscally responsible?
Will wonders ever cease?
If they are ever able to get this kind of legislation through, then I bet their next step will be to legalize rape. But also, eliminate child support.
No wonder he wants to put more children into the world. 😳
Again I will never understand why 60 million women didn't vote out every Republican for the next two decades in the las election. It's flabbergasting to me,
Cruelty is the point
Yes I’m sure slaves were learning lots of skills that they could use in their free time, which existed maybe from 7:07pm - 7:08pm when master was fornicating with their enslaved daughter who just turned 13
Don’t worry, the “party of law and order” will quickly excuse this complete violation of several laws with something that amounts to “its ok when WE do it”.
Again, so what?
They also have to insert politics or a weird sense of patriotism into it. Like their art is American flags and crap. Books can’t have sensitive topics, because then they’re preachy. They can’t talk about race or LGBTQ issues, that makes them “woke”. Same with movies. They just want to complain and be miserable about…
I was just thinking about why works of artistic expression from conservatives are usually so terrible. I think (most) conservatives lack the empathy and genuine interest in the quirks of humanity to make compelling art. It comes out so flat and dull.
“Ginger took to Twitter and Instagram to insist that people...”
Evolved my ass...