
I know it’s obvious but you don’t have to have gay sex or even any sort of sex to be infected with HIV... You can even be born with it. This is beyond infuriating and crossing into the realm of completely confusing. It’s a profoundly stupid decision, so that means we can fully expect the current Supreme Court to

Just to clarify, Thomas wants to overturn the right to contraception and gay marriage, but never mentioned the case that legalized interracial marriage.  I wonder why?

Is it too much to hope that the average American is tired of having leopards eat their faces?

Well, I guess congrats to Brad Pitt on his $100 million jury award in a few years. 

Checks that the party that loves a good child bride would come to this conclusion.

Yeah, that line jumped out at me too. Our family (born and raised in southern Westchester County, NY) was mostly raised politically ambiguous. I became left wing, and my siblings are all righties, mostly through the anti-Hillary doorway. I knew some left wing households, and there was NEVER any foaming-at-the-mouth

You know what would be even better?

The neighbors said Jayson Boebert, 41, ran over a mailbox with his truck, started threatening people, and appeared to be driving drunk”

So when this inevitably fails, just like Truth Social and every other right wing grift, who do they blame? A) The liberal media for censoring coverage of this ridiculous ap B) wokeness C) George Soros (the Jews) D) all of the above.

Over/under on the percentage of “females” on the site that turn out to be bots (a la Ashley Madison for sure ... and likely ALL the rest as well)?

So totally valid, but the impression I got from the video was that they weren’t sleeping but were settling down for bed. Maybe they had sunburns/ dry skin and she told them x amount of times during the day and they ignored her. Who knows. Also the video cuts which implies there was further arguing then she goes into

/looks at header image for too long

Headline should have “Friend” in air quotes.  That is NOT a friend.

Try to keep in mind that the GA GOP for sure vetted him and decided that he would be an acceptable candidate for U.S. Senate. Also try to keep in mind that an ugly divorce with allegations of violence and restraining orders are also pretty easy to find.

Well, pathological narcissists, for one. They will completely fuck you over and be all “This doesn’t change anything, right? Wait, why are you walking away?”.

thus proving he couldn’t have hurt Heard, because everyone knows domestic abusers have also abused every woman they’ve ever encountered.

Don’t a lot of conservatives get divorced anyway? Trump had five kids with three wives. Richard Spencer is divorced. Newt Gingrich, John McCain, Bob Dole, etc.

“No-Fault Divorce Has DESTROYED Men’s Confidence In Marriage, Men Don’t Want To Get Married Anymore.”

Wow, talk about getting high off your own farts.

You know what? I'm starting to suspect this guy might be not so great.