
Wrong approach, study. Pointing out that poor people will suffer won’t get the people who are doing the most damage to change. Instead, point out that once the waters start rising, all those poor people are going to start slaughtering the rich who caused the problem and taking their shit. That might get the rich to

This! Plus her “no corroboration” then the “I heard from friends who had suffered the same and were SILENT FOR YEARS”.

He threw a temper tantrum last week and the Republicans watched and said, “Yeah! That’s what we need more of in the highest court of the nation!”

Ever since McCain did that whole “you’ll have to wait and see” shit with ACA every bloody Senator seems to want a moment like this. Collins was clearly always going to go for the drunk assaulter as a real Nice GuyTM but she wanted her “moment for the books” on top.

in a 43-minute speech, announced she will vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh

Susan Collins should’ve had to make that condescending, trashfire speech to Dr. Ford’s face.

As for the future of abortion rights, Collins argued that Kavanaugh promised her that he would respect Roe v. Wade as settled precedent.

I feel fucking terrible for Dr. Blasey Ford.

But that’s where I keep all my stuff though!

Hang on, are you telling me a police officer might be lying to cover up a crime they committed and the police department is going along with the perpetrators version of events even with direct contradictory evidence from impartial sources?

Edmund Blackadder: “The criminals’ vanity always makes them make one tiny but fatal mistake. Theirs was to have their entire conspiracy printed and published in play manuscript form...”

I had a whole conversation last year about the kneeling football players with a coworker who was very rah-rah about Trump, guns, the military, and all that other mess.

It is also revealing that Knight chose to illustrate Osaka as a blonde, fair-skinned damn-near white woman whose complexion is the same as the umpire’s.

White people feel like they can punch you in the face and then turn decide how much it hurt you.

What Football Needs To Be Entertaining To Me, A Non-Football Watcher
An Erotic Friend Fiction Novel by Tina Belcher

Not going to reply to anyone directly as there are, frankly, too many of you, but I need to say how disappointed I am to see so many rushing to defend a registered sex offender after reading this article. You could just...not do that.

Talk about rehabilitation all you want (and if you are, I hope you’re defending

While the other actors in the film—Boyd Holbrook, Sterling K. Brown, Thomas Jane, Trevante Rhodes and Keegan-Michael Key—were asked to comment, none did.

I first heard about that being possible on a CSI episode where a server did it to make a gambler too sick to stay and play. I wonder if it was being done before that and the show ripped it from the headlines or if they started that trend by informing the public at large that this could be done.

What’s the motive, here? Is the assumption that it will syphon more votes away from his opponent than it would from him?