Kirby's Poop Bucket

Nice! Just grabbed one for my Switch and one for my Fire tablet.

Nice! Just grabbed one for my Switch and one for my Fire tablet.

It’s definitely up there.

Great comment

Unless the guy’s last name is Poos or something similar.

Works for me on my Galaxy S8.

This comment is not currently getting the love that it deserves. Well done.

Even that is more effort and thought than *98% of professional athletes would have put into it.

Nailed it!

I’m fairly confident that this is trolling. I think I’m learning.

I like it. What about Gary Sanchez though?

That’s so very clearly Melissa Vandella and not Avril Lavigne. 

That appears to be The IT Crowd, correct? I’m only a few episodes into the first season but that third guy looks like the guy from The Mighty Boosh, which is a crazy ass show.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with State schools. I got an engineering degree from one. I still graduated with $40K in loan debt though. That’s nothing compared to the $250K debt that my wife graduated Vet school with. Vets may WAY less money than most would assume too. We will be paying that off until I’m in my

Get a college education, kids. Better yet, save yourself the massive student loan debt and go to a trade school and learn skills that are valuable to today’s market.

It’s just a dumb, fun movie. Settle the fuck down, everyone.

Oh no...

Came here to post this in case no one else had yet. Thank you for your service.

Bravo +1

I hope like hell that Thibs is the next to suffer this fate. He is everything that fans worried he might be and nothing that they hoped he would be.

The most amazing part of all of this is how fast Turner looks in that GIF. Damn.