
@Boomdiggity!: erm, the battery is shocking on my pre, lasts from 17:00hrs till 0900 next day without any use except it being turned on. I find that shocking to be honest

@00000000: and having a battery that lastest more than 12 hours would be nice.

@Ozzie, The Last Hairbender: I've just re-wired my house, every room in my house has double Cat5e sockets, didn't require much plastering. Took about 7 house to do a total of 11 rooms through 3 floors. Simples.

@jmd1513: I was always under the impression that WiFi works best coming down, hense why I always tell friends etc to put their router in the loft, it gives great coverage to most if not all rooms. Failing that I use this software RF-vu VIEWER, that helps.

@MacTodd: I know his password it's... 123456789101112131415161718192...

@roninpenguin: Yeah I believe the 'PalmPad' is going to be WebOS, not sure if the HP Slate is going to use WebOS or Windows. If they use windows I'll be buying the Slate

I wanted to see, clicking on the banner thats says 'CONGRATULATIONS YOUR A WINNER!' on the list, bah.

@Purdueable: Ok, gotcha. Next question you say it creates a 3d render of the room, are the renders exportable into something like AutoCad?

@hoocli: gotcha, thanks

@hoocli: Sorry, I should have made comment more clear, to log into my account I need to plug my card into a vpn type adapter, it then creates a passcode, (Like how a vpn fob works). It's great they can see my account, but they couldn't log back in to transfer my cash from my online account without my vpn type adaptor,

Is it just me, but if you look to the left of the ethernet port there's some usb ports? Why not just use them? Or is this a 'Just because I can' sort of thing.

@Purdueable: Having looked at the website, I'm not actually sure what this does, is it a giant lazor measuring device? is it a giant camera? is it both combined? How much is it? I'm not trying to come across as being rude, I actually don't know what it does and how much one is, Thanks.

@lostarchitect: Likewise, I do alot of site surveys, especially rooms surveys, if this gave 2d and 3d autocad drawings, that would be awesome

@oholiab: Was thinking the same thing, for a second I thought ITV had been bought out.

I'm not sure how this works for other banks, but my bank uses a VPN type access to get onto my online account, is my account under much threat?

I don't know if anyone has made a comment on this before, but Spotify also allows you to import your existing music libary, so if you have music by those bands that haven't signed up to spotify you can add it. I don't know if any of the other free streaming services provide this. You can also stream spotify through

I don't know if anyone has made a comment on this before, but Spotify also allows you to import your existing music libary, so if you have music by those bands that haven't signed up to spotify you can add it. I don't know if any of the other free streaming services provide this.

Maybe it's just me, but I leave my USB cords connected to my computer and remove whats attached at the other end. Dumb idea.

I wonder if there was a fire drill, she thought well I'm on the top floor, oooh look a net, that'll be safe to jump too.