
Not to complain toooooo much, but was there a meeting between network shows to have obvious twists this year?  I mean did anyone not go "IT'S RYAN" the second being adopted was even a theory?

I'm guessing they have similar ratings because shows are graded on a scale based on the show itself, rather than its place in some one-for-one Structuralist system of value.

I teach in an inner city school.  I was just amazed more than one parent showed up.

Kind of a shame.  "Tommy" is just an incredible achievement for a band that started out with songs like "Draggin' the Line" and "My Generation."  It's a Beatles-esque transformation.

A thing happens in glee for no real reason.  You could put that theory forward for pretty much any plot point.

I was actually thinking this after I went to bed last night.  When I was in college, my friends and I would have Lost viewing parties (it was still on the air), and we had a tradition of booing and screaming at the TV whenever they would end or cut to commercial on a fake cliffhanger.

Futurama's Bender is closer to Barney, I'd say.

If they stopped writing dialogue for guests that was so stilted and awkward it would fail a Turing test, then maybe every guest star sans Victoria wouldn't be so reviled.

It's not even "Robin and Barney" that bothers me.  It's got Dexter Season 6 syndrome.  HERE'S THE TWIST; IT'S ROBIN!  But we all knew.  What a waste of an hour, especially with how seldom any good jokes were sprinkled in.

Really?  An A for "Rushed Shipping and Pro Bending: The Show?"

I think you mean Dean-a Turner

"Satomobile" was priceless.

"Satomobile" was priceless.

Read Beckett's prose (Specifically the Trilogy).  It is unbelievable.

Guess you're not familiar with Samuel Beckett…

You mention how mundane metal and lightning bending have become, and righty point out the lightning-benders reduced to menial industrial jobs.  But then you ask why Amon would want to stop bending if it would disable the city…

How bout that button with Leap Day Williams Dilophosaurusing?