The Gleib

I have the 1.0 and the only big improvements I would ask for is quieter props and a way to fix the height difference issue (if you fly over a cliff or something, the sensors try to compensate for the difference as it would for uneven terrain and falls to 10'. If you try it indoors, going from a first floor to second

Have you seen the version of Flatland that one guy animated by himself? It was really good too.

Did anyone here see Monsters? The one with the guy and girl escaping from an alien occupied Mexico? That was actually pretty good.

True. And do you know who else carries their young on their back? Scorpions. They all do it and they are way cooler than spiders.

Are you saying it is only $1 million? Cause that is not actually that bad a price for a place that big. Especially in New York.

Normally I would be mad about the shaky cam but it added to the awesomeness of the video; as did the commentary - actually pretty funny.

Yup. This was at a University in Tel-Aviv. They are using a superconductor (the frosty disk) on a Neodymium track. The superconductor becomes 'trapped' in the magnetic field through impurities in the disk. This diagram illustrates the magnetic field holding the superconductor in place.

And what was this years color? Let's see if it was used in any significant way.

How about the "Security" sphere in The Prisoner?

"That was a $25 bit! And it wasn't even that good!" "They just left the ball too!"

I have to agree. With the exception of the Germans foose-kicking the soccer ball, I really didn't like this episode as much as say Remedial Chaos Theory which was hilarious.

I actually saw this yesterday. Both R2D2 and C3P0 had Christmas hats. And surprisingly, this wasn't even the best gingerbread house in the contest. They were all super cool.

I was really hoping they would keep the dino and it would become an active character. Wouldn't you watch a show with a pet dinosaur? Flintstones had one.

Is the cow in the new timeline? I don't remember seeing her this season so far.

Without a control group, this result is useless. An ipad wrapped in a sweater landing in grass would likely survive unharmed.

Yes. They just don't know it yet.

It is because religious people count "situational awareness" as pro-choice.

I was Buzz Lightyear (pretty elaborate costume and I won $1000 and bungee jumped in it) and some drunk guy yelled "It's Buzz Aldrin!". Best part of the whole night.

"...the shock wave would be enough to cause onlookers to bleed out of their ears."