The Gleib

The animated gif didn't load for me. I LOLed* at that, as I know animated Gifs DO work here.

@rootyb: I recently saw a cube that someone started to do that with; I learned how to solve it a few years ago and discovered that because the stickers had been replaced in the wrong places, the cube was unsolvable. The owner of the cube was suitably unimpressed.

Why did alt-Broyles get displaced? Wasn't Olivia's mass equal to Fauxlivia's? Or was it location-based; which adds the question of what Olivia got replaced with and it would be a little of a cop out for Broyles to be at the exact same spot as Fauxlivia.

Excuse me, but Edmonton, Alberta has consistently matched Siberia in cold temperatures and on a few occasions been colder; and it is a large city with over 1 million people. If you need to see random shit freezing, it happens all the time here!

Anyone know if Coconut Battery works on a bootcamped machine? Just curious as to if it is a hardware based program or a platform based one?

I can think of at least one situation where keeping pencils would be beneficial.

It should come in 1.21 Terabytes.

The only reason yarn art doesn't appeal to me is because it is floppy. You add sone stuffing to those designs, make them pillowy and you have yourself a fan right here.

Any suggestions for a picture meme of the TSA to begin? I am thinking something along the lines of the "Don't tase me bro!" meme.

Anyone remember the 90's when we used to look forward to Fridays? Remember TGIF?

@dkl415: I think they are actually sending him back. It isn't just a memory.

It seems like this idea would fall apart should anyone get a hold of a pen and some paper (maybe a couple of staples too).

I havn't that many blue pieces but how about some Hannuka decor from Powerpig?

@truthtellah: The proccess requires the acceleration at the end, compressing the events into a Doppler Effect kind of thing. Like when a jet hits supersonic, you can't hear it until the cone hits then it is really loud for a very short period.

@TraveyBoy: It seems like you could just use your living room for that...

Speaking of Facebook updates, does anyone use the new groups? I (as well as almost everyone I know) hate them. They just seem pointless.

@orionx3000: I think you should go sit in the corner and think about what you just posted. 5 minute time out.

@gd01skorpius: As long as this one isn't withheld for digital editing. I hope they decided to take out any digital effect to reshoot with practical effects like the original.

When I saw the title, I joked that "I hope it won't actually take 7 hours!".